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Imprint according to § 5 TMG / § 55 RStV

Britta and Ulrich Findeisen Foundation for Art and Architecture

Management of the Foundation
Landstrasse 18
41516 Grevenbroich-Hemmerden

Phone: +49 2182 / 88 655-30

State of registration:

Foundation supervision:
Cologne District Government, State of NRW

Serial number of the Foundation register:

Tax number of the Foundation:
(Grevenbroich tax office)

Authorized representative:
Dipl.-Ing. Markus Schmale Architect BDA, Board of Directors of the Foundation

Responsible for content:
Dipl.-Ing. Markus Schmale Architect BDA, Board of Directors of the Foundation

»The central problem of architecture is the space that keeps people healthy in body and soul.«

Justus Dahinden